At Langley Antiaging Treatment Centre we specialize in providing safe, noninvasive treatments with minimal downtime to make you feel youthful and rejuvenated all year round.
Botulinum toxin has revolutionized the world of cosmetic procedures and is the most popular cosmetic procedure in North America. It is a simple, minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that temporarily softens or eliminates frown lines.
Read MoreLATISSE® is the only FDA approved treatment for hypotrichosis (inadequate or not enough lashes) to grow eyelashes longer, fuller, darker. It is a once-a-day treatment you apply topically to the base of your upper eyelashes.
Read MoreMost sufferers feel that hyperhidrosis impairs their confidence, and feel that the condition has impacted their ability to develop relationships.
Read MoreBOTOX® is the first and only FDA-approved and Health Canada preventive treatment for Chronic Migraine. Unlike acute treatments.
Read MoreCall today for a consultation for a natural rejuvenated look
I met Dr Gill 8 years ago and she has been my Doctor ever since. Dr Gill is friendly, compassionate, knowledgeable and very professional. With her botox treatment, she miraculously cured my migraines that had been affecting my life since the age of 7 years old. I highly recommend her treatments.
I have had the privilege to be under the care of Dr. Gill for the last two years. During those two years of receiving both fillers and Botox, I have always felt like I was in the best hands. Dr. Gills knowledge and expertise has given me reassurance and confidence in the procedures and her thoroughness and gentle hands have brought out great results.
One area which was a concern for me was my under eye area, and the more I read about fillers in the under eye the more nervous i became, since it is such a sensitive area. However, as I spoke to Dr. Gill my concerns vanished and when she performed the procedure for the tear through I was extremely pleased, there was very minimal bruising and no down time. I look forward to aging gracefully with Dr. Gill and her expertise.
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